iRetail Marketing Module Components
What is iRetail – Marketing Module?
- iRetail is a business enabler for corporate enterprises and their partners to Connect and Exchange Real-time updates.
- A prosperous brand is strengthened by growth from inside to outside by maintaining a continuous relationship with not only external but internal assets as well. Products are displayed at the front-end stores, outlets and a strategic check on their performance ensures appropriate positioning in the competition.
- However, with no such direct tool for brisk processing, Marketing and QA teams have difficulty in identifying actual killer points in brand building. That results in ambiguous branding – no scope of live insights, quality check and remedy.

What is iRetail – Marketing Module?
- Stores Presence, Training videos/literature, Offers and Promotions, Feedback, Newsletter, Notifications, Blogs and Articles.
- HO-Store Connect Portal is an interface connecting across Concentric Marketing – Operations – QA teams and the Store Managers. The marketing teams will be able to convey timely updates on the products, newsletters, time-constrained offers, alerts, notifications and promotions thus ensures timely implementation.
- In Parallel, the stores can revert with feedback and any other queries on operation that they face. Communication that would be of utmost importance for the Marketing, Operations, QA teams in terms of evidence upload, Geo tracking, compliance record and rewards management.
- A training module can be added on to HO-Store Connect Portal that lets you to centrally broadcast training and course materials across the stores including latest techniques on pitching your product in an appropriate way. This covers instructional videos, case studies, quizzes, and certification-specific materials.
Campaign Monitor
- Includes Campaign creation, Activity defination (Hard and Soft-point of sale material), Activity allocation to Vendors (Campaign management agencies), Activity fulfillment and tracking. Thus the campaign completion tracking as it progresses.
- With Campaign Monitor, accelerate your marketing strategy driven by highly responsive campaigns.
- In-store campaign handling was a task which was left untouched for long time, resulting in improper communication between the marketing team and the exclusive outlets, retail stores, and other store formats. Campaign Monitor addresses this bottleneck.
- Campaign Monitor is a responsive tool that lets you connect your teams deployed at different levels in the fields. Available as a WEB tool as well as an APP for the handheld mobile devices and works by bridging the dynamic disparities, hence narrowing the areas of concerns in In-store campaigns as well.
Compliance Audit
- Features include Setup a questionnaire, target stores, define a window, launch the audit and check the compliance.
- Compliance Audit centrally controls across the stores while launching an audit for either a few or all stores in a geographic location.
- Store auditing is a critical task for achieving business objectives, financial reporting and making amendments to the store licensing policies. While fraud cases have taken a toll, you may not want to risk your brand’s positive perception.
- Compliance Audit as a web application and mobile app lets you run audits regularly while involving the staff. This helps curb costs to an external agency and establishes communication channel at both ends. Subsequently, regularly exchange and corrective measures on grievances can elevate the overall quality assurance process.
Contract Management
- Contract Management enables legal managers to set expectations with required templates for partner stores and exclusive outlets about contract management in a digital platform.
- Contract Management offers a central control over all the stores’ contracts and set with a real time notification triggers to partners and legal counter-parts to create, renew or amend.
- Contract Management acts as repository of confidential documents and ease out the process and turn around time of sharing documentation across involved parties with a workflow.
- Tracking of critical dates to action – This high time huddle in manual process eliminated by Contract Management.
- Contract Management shares real-time update on policy changes, amendments and consecutive actions.
Sales Target & Daily Sales Monitor
- Helps manage the partner sales.
- Sales Target & Daily Sales Monitor enables central office to have a control on complete sales management from setting up a target throughout monitoring the entire sales cycle.
- In real quick time – sharing periodical targets to partners and gaining acknowledgements in online platform whereas it takes lot of time in manual process.
- Partners will pursue the targets with “on the fly update” on daily sales as invoice formats.
- Live tracking and insights published as Targets vs Actuals to both Partners and central offices.
Partner/Stores Pay-Outs Monitor
- This module enables tracking of sales by partners in the case of MBOs or franchises in case of EBOs, thus make appropriate pay-outs.

Dashboard – Status Monitoring
The dashboard provides the real-time monitoring of several stores related processes, such as:
- Compliance
- Sales
- Payment settlement to partners
- Campaign status
- Product release and training status

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